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Agency’s diversity and equality work

Agency’s diversity and equality work

Agency believes that as a PR agency, we have a great responsibility to promote diversity and equality. Both at our workplace and in the communication that we create. We want to work towards an industry and a society free from discrimination, oppression, sexualizing jargon, harassment and abuse.

Therefore, we always work to develop and improve our inclusion work.

At Agency, we work with a goal of delivering maximum dividends on our clients’ investment in communication. To achieve the best possible results, we take advantage of the opportunities that subsists within diversity and equality. That includes both the communication we create for our customers, and the development of existing and potential workforce on the agency.

The fact that all people should have the same opportunities regardless of sex, gender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, sexual orientation, civil status or age is not just a basic human right. It can also create a favorable corporate culture. When we feel respected and included, we gain access to our full potential and create opportunities such as more commitment and loyalty. Through active work, we can promote equal rights and opportunities and be an attractive workplace for all employees.

During Spring 2018, a project group was assigned to create a diversity and gender equality policy, as well as an action plan that would form the basis for active diversity and gender work.

The project group gained valuable insights to the analysis of the current situation through an anonymous employee survey. Based on the analysis, objectives for the equality work has been identified, and based on these, an action plan has been  defined. For example, there is a diversity and equality perspective in the ongoing dialogue at both management group level and in the daily project teams.

We have incorporated a diversity and gender equality perspective in the overall development plans of the agency. We also work to create increased understanding and increased knowledge amongst our employees regarding discrimination, offensive treatment and harassment, for example through education, lectures and internal inspiration and conversations.

In order to keep us updated on the current situation, we have mid-year follow-up meetings with the entire workforce.

Do you want to know more about Agency’s diversity- and equality work, please contact My Lundberg, responsible of the diversity and equality work at Agency.



My Lundberg, responsible of the diversity and equality work at Agency.